Megan & Harry
Megan & Harry's chart wheel

Megan & Harry

Relationship Birth Date

February, 24th 1983 Local Time 1:33 PM Universal Time 1:33 PM

60°16'N, 72°31'W

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  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Megan Markle

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

Harry Prince

September, 15th 1984 Local Time 4:20 PM Universal Time 3:20 PM

London, UK 51°30'N, 0°08'W

Jump to Planetary Positions

Relationship Reality

Your Relationship Reality report tells you how when two individuals have been involved with one another long enough or intensely enough for it to be called a relationship, then it is as if these two people have created a third entity: the relationship itself. A good way of understanding this is to see a relationship, this third entity, as a child that the couple have produced.

As such it will have a strong effect upon both people, individually and as a partnership. In fact, in the same way that an actual child makes the two people that created it into parents, the relationship makes them into partners, rather than just two separate individuals.

That 'child' will also change its 'parents' as people. So knowing and understanding this 'child' that you have together created goes a long way towards making it a happy and successful relationship. And again just as with children, fascinatingly there will sometimes be seen 'character traits' in the relationship which are similar to what one or both of you possess as individuals.

Your Relationship Reality report can also be used as a kind of prospectus for a relationship that is not that established or has not even begun. The report would then show you what it would be like if and when you did become more involved as the relationship unfolded and developed over time. In this respect your Relationship report could be said to be predictive.

How Your Davison Relationship Chart is Calculated

Your Relationship Chart is shown on the previous page, followed by the chart data. Astrologically, your Relationship Chart is calculated by taking the midpoint in time and the midpoint in space between your birth times and birth places, respectively. Your relationship's 'birth date' is given in the chart data, on the far left.

You can celebrate this as your 'relationship birthday' if you wish. Its 'birthplace' is also given here, but as map coordinates as this midpoint is not necessarily going to fall in a particular town. You can check the exact location by clicking on link. It could be a point in the ocean or mountains, but it can be interesting to know this place, and if possible, visit it as a couple. Of course, if you were both born in the same town, then that is where the relationship will have been 'born' too.

Whilst Reading Your Relationship Reality Report

Please bear in mind that although this Relationship Chart interpretation is as accurate and informative as possible, there is no guarantee that every word will apply at this moment in time, or in the past or future. This Chart maps out your potential as a couple, and is not able to say what you both have made, or will make, of that potential. Some traits will take longer to emerge than others; some may not ever emerge for one reason or another, but not being together for long enough is a common one.

Rather like a manual for some kind of complex device, this report acquaints you with certain 'parts' and shows you how they work, something that you possibly only recognize when they start to play up or when you are in need of them. Until then, they may not seem to be anything to do with your relationship. Also be aware that no-one position or aspect can make or break a relationship - although some might be quite crucial.

At the same time, note that the Sign and House positions of the Ascendant, Sun, Moon and Planets indicate qualities about your relationship that are in most cases 'neutral' in that they do not necessarily show whether it is the positive or negative inclinations that hold sway; it is the Aspects listed beneath the Sign and House positions that indicate this, as well as helping you to deal with or transform the challenging negative ones, and how where a 'demand' hopefully has a 'supply' to meet it.

There is a five star display that indicates you the intensity of the aspect's interpretation.

Finally, the overall accuracy of your Relationship report depends upon the accuracy of your given Birth Times, particularly with respect to any Aspects to the Ascendant or Midheaven.

* Please note

If the birth times are not known then a Noon birth time is used. This means that 1 Ascendant: Your Relationship's Image and Identity will not necessarily be accurate and should be ignored. So too the Houses sections for each of the planets. However the rest of Planet's Sign and aspect information will be accurate.


1 Ascendant: Your Relationship's Image and Identity *

2 Sun: The Heart and Purpose of your Relationship

3 Moon: The Soul and Emotional Nature of your Relationship

4 Mercury: How you Think and Communicate as a Couple

5 Venus: Your Relationship's Appeal and Harmony

6 Mars: Your Relationship's Drive and Sexuality

7 Jupiter: Your Relationship's Belief in Itself

8 Saturn: Commitment & Staying Power within your Relationship

9 Uranus: Freedom and Awakening within your Relationship

10 Neptune: Sensitivity and Spirituality within your Relationship

11 Pluto: Influence and Transformation within your Relationship

1 Ascendant: Your Relationship's Image and Identity

Earthy Aura

Taurus rising

As a couple you exude a strongly physical aura - one that is sensually appealing to others. You find your identity together through seeking for yourselves a sense of substance. This is usually material inasmuch as you like to own things in the form of property, investments, credit, etc. But it could also mean something purely biological, such as a having a baby.

You are in your element while close to Nature, which could mean gardening together or involved in some other way with earthy senses, like art or singing. Your sensuous aura also means that you are fond of food, drink, sex and creature comforts. Stability is very important to you both, so you do not entertain too broad a scope of possibilities as a rule, because you realize that this would complicate matters. You like to keep things at a manageable level. This can mean that you limit yourselves unnecessarily, but limited as your field of effort may be, you are thorough and efficient and dependable within that field.

However, being ruled by material and physical considerations at the expense of the more intangible or spiritual dimensions of life is an inclination you have that can lead to a sort of thick-headed confusion - about who you are to one another, or in your interaction with other people and life around you. If this happens, you'd then need to remind yourselves that there is a hidden or psychological side to life and each other that is equally important. What happens is that you tend to attract people and situations that force you to see things from this more psychological perspective, for you are not able to stabilize your more intense emotions in any other way. Then again, it could well be one of you who sounds the call to the spiritual or psychological dimension.

With Taurus Rising the planet that is said to rule your whole chart, meaning it plays a most important role in your whole relationship, is Venus. So study Chapter 5/Venus: Your Relationship's Appeal and Harmony, with this in mind.

2 Sun: The Heart and Purpose of your Relationship

Mysterious Match

Sun in Pisces

Your essential purpose as a relationship is to make acceptable to yourself and others whatever you regard as being important in this respect. Your ways of doing this are manifold. In fact you have more facets and possibilities than most other couples - and you also have as many ways of disguising them. This makes it hard, if not downright impossible, for others to figure out quite how you work together as a couple - that is, assuming that you do!

It is as if in coming together an 'atmosphere' is created that inspires or confuses you. Initially it probably inspires as this is what got you interested in one another. Rather like some kind of gas or drug you were placed under its influence and found yourselves involved, despite any sober reservations or practical considerations that either one of you might otherwise have entertained. It could be said that there is some kind of karmic or fated element to your relationship, rather as if you are taking the relationship up from where it got left off. This may be literally the case of 'love the second (or third) time around'. In any event, some mysterious current draws you together.

What this results in is that as a pair you are usually trying to do one or both of two things: to maintain the inspirational feeling of first meeting that was like a wonderful dream, or escape from what has turned into a nightmare. Inspiration can take the form of being artistic in some way, or of being some kind of reliever of suffering. Equally, you could be on the receiving end of inspiration, as say, lovers of beauty and mystery. Your escapist tendencies on the other hand are seen in your inclination to look away from anything that is really bothering you - probably quite unconsciously.

Equally mysteriously, you can swim along side-by-side interminably even if you are both escaping your 'issues', for in your own way you are accepting what you are together - just not very consciously. Then again, one or both of you may be forced to wake up out of the dream/nightmare to stop being drowned in an emotional whirlpool. On the other hand, you may evolve into a truly inspired and inspirational relationship, a pair who relieves and enlightens others quite wonderfully.


A Relationship with a Past

Sun in the 12th House

All of this is most likely to center upon and be caused by experiences and issues of the past - of your life together and of your individual lives. This can include past lives, if you care to use such a perspective as a way of looking at life and the way we are, and indeed it can be helpful to view your coming together as a karmic relationship, one that has a long and deep history. Whether these experiences or memories are like heavy shadows or like paradise lost, together and individually you need to bend your wills to clearing out this closet of repressed longings, regrets and vague reservations. Otherwise they will serve to undermine your relationship in ways that are hard to understand or pin down.

Depending upon your Profile as a whole, this can be quite some task, and will restrict your life together to a degree that is proportionate to how much that closet has not been cleared. Most of all this would involve you both looking more deeply at your innermost selves, through introspection, withdrawal from society, meditation, psychology, therapy, etc. - on your own or together - or most straightforwardly, through just sharing your most secret feelings. As if to act as a clue to all this, it is quite likely that you actually met in a place or circumstances that appertained to one or more of these areas or disciplines.

In the process, as individuals or as a couple you can become a light in the darkness to others who are (similarly) confined by fears and weaknesses that stem from the past or from being in situations that are beyond their control. In fact, a selfless expression of yourselves as a couple is one of the positive and noble ways of living out the purpose of Twelfth House Sun. However, you should be careful not to displace your own issues on such people or situations for it is bound to back up on you sooner or later.

Neglecting to really delve into and study your respective psyches in the ways mentioned may not initially show any symptoms, except for perhaps a creeping feeling of something being not quite right - like a boat that has an undetected hole in the hull. This is why it is important to be as mindful as possible of anything that could be going on out of sight, for one day whatever it is could suddenly show itself in a not very pleasant way.

Your Solar Aspects

Expecting Too Much

Sun Squares Jupiter

There is a pronounced tendency for one or both of you to expect more of the relationship can be actually delivered. This amounts to a misplaced faith in it that can, if not checked, turn into a disappointment that effectively eclipses any promise that your relationship does actually possess. While insisting on finding a treasure chest you overlook the small casket containing a few gems!

It is better to rein in such titanic aspirations, as well as discovering through straight talking whether or not your expectations actually match.


'Close One'

Sun Trines Saturn

What serves your relationship well in so many respects is a sense of discipline and practicality, and an awareness of how the status quo works. Whether these are qualities brought to the relationship by one or both of you, or by your merely being together, or by something that is imposed by circumstances, you should be well able to deal with the challenges and difficulties of life. This would apply especially to the material world for you have a sort of self-stabilizing mechanism built into your partnership.

For the same reasons you usually adhere to a formal and conventional life-style, and subscribe to traditional standards - or you would make life easier if you used the system as opposed to bucking it. Paradoxically though, it is this very sense of order that can cause you to miss some vital but radical point concerning your relationship itself, or about each other as individual personalities.

The Importance of Freedom

Sun Squares Uranus

Another very important dimension to your being together is that one or both of you just has to have the freedom to do as they choose, despite whatever else the relationship is demanding of you or going through. Such a desire for space may or may not have been present in either of your personalities at first, but somehow you bring out the freewheeling rebel in each other.

This is because this major dynamic of your relationship is in aid of making you both more aware of your individual rights and quirks, along with the freedom to express them, and ultimately of the truth of the unique being each of you essentially is. Depending on your respective personalities this can happen sooner or later, in a matter of fact kind of way or all of a sudden out of the blue - and explosively.

Obviously this could all be regarded as unsuitable for a stable and secure relationship, but really this would only be in proportion to how conventional were your expectations, or how insecure and possessive either one of you was. The more you hold each other to how either of you thinks the other should behave, the more the other will refuse to behave in that way.

This is the usual paradox of freedom: grant it and the other won't make a blow for it. Whereas the more controlling or repressive either of you are, the more likelihood there is of a 'bloody revolution'. So obviously trust and a feeling of emotional security would be high on the list of your relationship's assets, one which this aspect doesn't provide, or it would need to be present in, ideally both, your individual personalities.

In many respects this kind of dynamic is more at home in a friendship, as friends do not as a rule hold each other to such tight requirements as an intimate relationship. But if you want it to last, rather than it just being an exciting flash in the pan, then loosening up has to be high on the agenda. Then you would be pleasantly surprised rather than only continually having to deal with one shockwave after another.

Potential for Regeneration

Sun Trines Pluto

Whether it is through tortuous ups and downs, or through sheer psychological insight born of deep love, this relationship bears the promise of changing one or both of your lives for the better, making you stronger and more authentic individuals in the process, and hopefully the relationship too.

It is in fact this deep soul connection that you have that enables you to endure and understand the darker passages of your time together. It is as if you are only too capable of penetrating deeply into the heart and soul of one another; and seeing this as a positive thing is what is very important. Feelings of sexual intensity would be the most obvious signs of this, feelings which may last and last, or not, depending on other aspects of your relationship.

3 Moon: The Soul and Emotional Nature of your Relationship

Home Bugs

Moon in Cancer

Your reigning need as a relationship is to feel familiar with your surroundings, and possibly to be close to nature as well. So the establishing of a home and garden is something that is important to you as a couple, and something that at least one of you is good at. As a couple you are also quite house proud and like to make others feel at home as well, especially your nearest and dearest. This basically positive trait can however be taken too far with you being so accommodating of others that your home is often overrun. And if either of you let this need for security and the familiar get the better of your will-power and faith in life itself, then you can wind up feeling uncomfortably needy and limit your sphere of involvement in matters outside of the home to the point of stagnation. All the same, with you two, home most definitely is where the heart is.


A Nesting Instinct

Moon in the 4th House

Whatever your feelings or security needs, as a pair you instinctively know how to protect and feed them. In fact, together you are natural homemakers. Together you sense and exude a home-from-home, hearthside familiar atmosphere. This augurs well for the domestic and catering aspects of relationship, so much so that it could even be on a professional basis. You also share a closeness to and enjoyment of the natural world. There is a pronounced feel for flora and fauna, so gardens and gardening could figure strongly in your relationship. You can, however, be overly attached to your home-ground, as if you are needing to keep at bay what you may see as the hostile outside world.

This could amount to a security-blanket syndrome where certain shared habits and things are clung to - especially in times of stress and unpredictability. Your feelings may be more or less totally bound up or invested in your actual home or family, so that you do not readily express them in external social intercourse. If you are both happy with this extremely homely type of relationship, and content keeping the home-fires burning, then that's fine. But if one or both of you feels cooped up or unable to share or express not-so cozy feelings then do not be surprised if something comes along to disrupt your otherwise peaceful idyll.

Your Lunar Aspects

Charm and Familiarity

Moon Trines Venus

What comes to the rescue in all your emotional interactions is a certain softness that you have between you, and a sentimentality and sensibility that you have in common. Friends and family, and others in general, find it easy to bathe in your pleasingly familiar aura. This talent that you have as a couple for soothing and making people feel good has many uses and can take many positive and endearing forms.

In Flow Together

Moon Trines Mars

You do have a very easy and available flow of both physical and emotional energy going on between you, regardless of whatever else is happening. This flow is so natural that you both possibly take it for granted simply because it is has always been there as you work, play and relax, together or separately, with enviable ease. The more aware you are of this healthy balance that you as a couple possess between your feelings and physical energy, the more vibrant and confident you will both feel, about the relationship and each other, enabling you to achieve success in your chosen field or fields of endeavor.

Emotional Poultice

Moon Squares Pluto

You feel intensely for one another, and plunge or soar to the extremes of whatever emotion is prevailing at any given time, be it high or low. The danger of course is where negative emotions - such as jealousy and possessiveness - take hold. This is when you both need to realize that the main dynamic of your relationship - which means what happens most powerfully simply as a result of being with each other - is one which draws to the surface the deeper and more powerful emotions that exist within each of you as individuals, rather like a poultice draws out poison from a wound.

At bottom such emotions stem from a fear of abandonment or of being in someone else's power. So the worst thing either of you can do is, on the one hand, to threaten leaving, or on the other hand, to try to coerce the other into being what you think they should be. What is really going on when this happens is that one who threatens to leave - even non-verbally - is finding the fact that they have been put in touch with their own deepest fears too intense to handle. And trying to control someone is down to the same root reasons.

If your relationship is not to burn itself out in a maelstrom of destructive emotions, then you both have to own and deal with the deeply-seated negative emotions in a way that does not involve the other person - like seeking professional counsel or psychotherapy. There can be an inclination in one or both of you to actually try psychoanalyzing the other, but this would again be a bid to control while at the same time denying one's own issues and projecting them on to the other person.

Emotional Rapport

Moon Sextiles Ascendant

You are able to make your feelings known to one another quite easily - and to others around you also - in a direct and simple way that attracts a relaxed and natural emotional interplay. Your being together facilitates emotional expression which means to say that, in proportion to how much each of you let your feelings be known as individuals, you should both become more emotionally in touch as a result of being involved with one another.

4 Mercury: How you Think and Communicate as a Couple

Detached Mentality

Mercury in Aquarius

You find that your combined mentality, intellectual attitude and way of communicating is quite detached, even scientific. On a personal level one or both of you is able to stand back and subtract the emotional charge out of a given situation and thereby keep free of awkward feelings. The danger here is that one can become so good at side-stepping the emotional significance of things as to attract problems whose resolution defies a purely logical or 'sensible' approach. If the one of you is more in touch emotionally, this can cause them to make the feeling dimension heard, or failing that, to make a big fuss. By the same token though, as a couple you can be very efficient at keeping a cool head where it is needed to guide and maintain objectivity, in a group for example.


Group Mentality

Mercury in the 11th House

You employ and improve this combined mentality of yours by gaining or giving out knowledge and mental stimulation through group involvements. You relationship thrives in or benefits from workshop situations rather than, say, just book-learning. And your opinions gain breadth and depth through sharing them. Because your mind flourishes in this way, you are kind of plugged in to the mind of the group itself. So you can both come embody whatever your particular group's goals and values happen to be. And what you share mentally and verbally contributes positively to your peers welfare, and thereby your own.

Underlying all this is the probability that you both share the same social or political principles which means that you do not get encumbered with all the time having to explain to each other where you are each coming from or headed for. Paradoxically though, you may attract friends with opposing , possibly younger or more radical, views which challenge your own, either making them stronger or giving rise to a change in how you both see life and, in turn, each other. Tempered steel is better than cast iron, one could say.

Your Mercury Aspects

Mental Freedom or Disorder

You can be very free and unconstrained in terms of what you talk about, interest yourselves in, and the manner in which you make your thoughts and feelings known to one another. On the other hand such 'freedom' can mean that you find it hard to get your thoughts and words to go along the same track, and so you find it hard to mentally connect. Notwithstanding the possibility that you can switch from one mode of mentality to the other, the first way can lean to a very open and unstructured way of being together on an intellectual level. The other way however can lead to a kind of terminal disorganization, evidenced for example by disorder in some part of your relationship, like the state of your home if you share one.

As a reaction or consequence of either mode, you can be either excessively intellectual as you try to impose some kind of mental order, or anti-intellectual as a reaction to being too ordered. Note also that one of you can operate in one mode, while the other plays in the other.

5 Venus: Your Relationship's Appeal and Harmony

Impetuosity and Ingenuousness

Venus in Aries

You love as children love, seeing your relationship as being natural and uncomplicated - at least, at first. And as a primary indication of this you would be immediately attracted to one another, and acted upon it.

You bring out the generous, guileless and direct in one another - in inverse proportion to how much either one of you is not that way inclined, but you bring it out just the same eventually. However, this means that either of you are crestfallen when they find that the other is not so ingenuous, but not as a rule heart-broken. Something about your relationship encourages you to get back up again as quickly as you fell.

It also makes you both very impatient to give, gain or receive love. So much so that you are inclined to mistake lust for love, and it takes a while before both of you are able to spot the difference. There is something impish and naughty about your being together that can cause each other to do childlike things you wouldn't do normally - and this can apply to other people you come into contact with too.

This has its good and bad sides in that you are able to introduce a refreshingly primitive glee into your social or romantic spheres, not to mention your relationship itself. But you can lead each other and others on and then be gone. But such a selfish 'love them and leave them' style can cut both ways, it will be found.


The Highs and Lows of Love

Venus in the 12th House

Your relationship can go sharply one of two ways. In the positive you both realize and appreciate that there is something about your being together that is 'bigger than both of you'. This can mean initially just feeling the power or love and romance as it sweeps you both off your feet.

But when that swell has ebbed somewhat, that 'bigger than both of you' feeling can be identified as something about your being together that is fated for both wonderful and problematical reasons. Something ties you together, be it joy or suffering, and accepting and going with this with a will can take you to a higher level of what the word 'love' means.

However, when operating in the negative, one or both of you will look for a way out of the relationship when the initial blush of love is over. When the going gets tough, the weak get gone! In other words, your relationship separates the men from the boys, or the girls from the women, when it comes down to distinguishing romantic, sexual or illusory love form the real thing.

Another manifestation of all this can be that of your relationship having to take place in secret or in stolen moments. This is simply a sign that unconsciously one or both of you picks up on the fact that being 'properly' and openly involved poses having to experience those lows of love and not just the highs, unaware that going through the lows takes one to even higher highs.

Your Venus Aspects

Socially Desirable

Venus Trines Moon

Fortunately, you have an instinctive ability to satisfy each other's needs and senses. And this emanates outwards with others finding you an attractive and pleasant couple to be with. As a pair you are also accommodating of others, and expect to be equally welcomed yourselves.

Love and Desire

'Close One'

Venus Conjuncts Mars

On the face of it, and certainly in the early stages of your relationship, the coupling of 'Love and Desire' appears to be very appealing. In other words, there is a strong sexual attraction between you with affection and romance all thrown in!

The trouble is that wherever either of you seeks love they also find conflict. Feelings of tenderness never seem to have anger or frustration very far away from them. What you both have to do is first recognize that love and desire, soft feelings and hard ones, are all mixed up inside of you both, individually and as a couple. Curiously, and owing to our society's current confusion over these matters, it is this conflict within that makes 'love and desire' both exciting and difficult.

By the same token, it falls to you both to make a greater than average attempt to show your feelings equally of care and desire, of love and sex. If you don't, then the deep-seated wounds and resentments that are surfaced by your being together give rise to feelings that are repellent and disruptive, where at first they were attracting and conjoining.

Abundance and Joy

Venus Trines Jupiter

Happily, there should be plenty of opportunity to satisfy the appetites and predilections that each of you has. This is because you do have a naturally generous disposition toward one another, and life and the world are only too happy to reward this positive quality you possess as a couple. You have a sense of largesse that can attract success and enjoyment in any number of fields - both socially and professionally. Essentially, what you have is a sense of abundance and joy. This can incline you both towards overindulgence in the pleasures of life, but all in all, people find you a pleasure to have in their midst.

Laid Back Love

Venus Trines Uranus

A great asset you have as a couple is that you are able to grant each other plenty of space, to have social and even more intimate involvements outside of the two of you. This is of course in proportion, or maybe in opposition, to any more possessive or insecure elements in your relationship or individual personalities. The point is that your being together allows, or possibly forces, you to give each other plenty of latitude.

At the very least it is worth experimenting with ways of being in relationship that are outside of the norm for you could both be then pleasantly surprised how it can remove pressures that are there simply because one or both of you is trying to fit the relationship into a mound it doesn't belong in. As a cherry on this cake, others do or would find you stimulating company, possibly in an innovative or artistic way.

Higher Love

'Close One'

Venus Squares Neptune

When all is said and done, your sense of love is highly evolved, or is in the process of evolving to a higher level. This does mean that you are very idealistic as a couple or where your creations are concerned. Seeking the exquisite and blissful can mean many a disillusionment as loved ones - be it one or both of you, or friends or relations - fall from grace, showing themselves to be the mere mortals that they are. Be that as it may, your refined senses, and the lifestyle they give rise to, serve as an inspiration to others.

That you practice, or possibly excel in, some form of artistic or spiritual expression is very likely - or very important, because such is a more suitable means of giving form to your vision of a better world than being merely overly romantic or socially indulgent. In any event, loving each other unconditionally - with all your heart and soul - is the simple recipe and likelihood of success as a couple.

6 Mars: Your Relationship's Drive and Sexuality

Subtle Sexuality

Mars in Pisces

As a couple you assert yourselves and get what you want by subtle or indirect means. This can be likened to the angler who baits and casts his or her line, and then sits in wait, accepting what life's current will bring. Strong emotional undercurrents are influencing your actions towards one another though, and toward others, so you need to be honest with each other, and therefore clear, about what your desires actually are if you wish to avoid resentments, regrets and awkward situations building up as a result of being too circumspect, or putting out confusing messages, particularly of a sexual kind.

The reason behind all this is that you are both very sensitive to being spurned - and especially sexually. You both put out a subtle emanation that yourselves and others sort of hypnotically respond to; bearing this in mind would keep you both in touch with the fact that you'll get equally subtle responses back from them and each other. You get under one another's and other people's skins, rather than bluntly proposition. You like to kind of dance, rather than wrestle, with one another or the people around you.

What all this can amount to is a need to fine-tune your sexual vibrations as they can get very confusing unless you eventually subscribe to some kind of discipline, like Tantra, or abstinence with a view to seeing your sexuality more clearly. However, such are the subtleties of your combined sexuality - not to mention how that affects your individual sexual inclinations - the permutations of your sexual expression are almost endless.


Hidden Agendas

Mars in the 12th House

Such as they are, your powers of self-assertion and expression of desire are somewhat repressed and hard to get a handle on. Some deeply seated fear or urge seems to force or inhibit each of your hands, despite what you each think you want. For this reason it would be highly advisable to discuss what you each want from the relationship before it gets so far down the road and you are both very confused as to why you ever got involved.

In no way does this mean that your relationship is going to be unworkable; it is just that you are both bringing to it agendas that you are not fully aware of or aware of at all. Putting you cards on the table as early as possible has the wonderful effect of properly preparing the ground, as it were. You can then go about meeting requirements that you have in common rather than finding out when it is too late that you have been going for conflicting objectives. With this strong proviso in mind - something which you can follow up on even if it is quite late in the day - it can be found that you excel at pursuits that serve to benefit others.

Your Mars Aspects


Mars Trines Moon

Your being together creates a great supply of physical and psychic energy for you to draw upon, simply because there is a harmony between your physical and emotional bodies; so just about any object of mutual desire can be attained, which would include making babies. This rather like your relationship is a powerful and well-tuned automobile - but how you drive it and where is another matter!

Mutual Satisfaction or Ultimately None

'Close One'

Mars Conjuncts Venus

If you are both going to satisfy these urges however, it will be necessary for you to consider carefully the sensibilities of each other. Sooner or later, without the willing assent of the one of you, the other's satisfaction will feel rather one-sided, not really satisfying at all, or non-existent. On the other hand though, if either of you fails to assert their own wishes or feelings enough, they will only have themselves to blame when they feel that their better nature has been taken advantage of.

Sexuality versus Sensitivity

'Close One'

Mars Squares Neptune

All of these qualities concerning your manner of self-assertion and sexual expression are made to go through a process of refinement and alignment with your finer feelings and sensitive spots - or they certainly need to! Otherwise this can mean that whenever one of you are pushing for the wrong thing or for the wrong reason - like an entirely selfish one - then they deplete the other person's energy, or they themselves become depleted or ineffective as the other resists or more likely evades their onslaughts.

Eventually though, their means of evasion could become more treacherous, such as going off, or having a dalliance, with somebody else - or they simply become very disinterested in the physical side of love. But this would be because neither of you had been totally honest about their respective feelings in the first place. And being 'totally honest' necessitates being aware of what your feelings are; be they feelings of desire or feelings of vulnerability.

So unless honesty born of a conscious inquiry into the very nature your relationship and each other is sought after, and preferably a commitment to some kind of sexual discipline, like tantric yoga, is also practiced - both ideally from quite early on - one of you is going to feel led up the garden path and possibly dumped somewhere along the way, while the other will just feel short-changed.

Creative or selfless pursuits, or dancing and water sports, can galvanize you both when all else fails to do so. But this mixture of sexuality and sensitivity which pervades your relationship can prove very undermining, even degenerating, especially if drugs or alcohol are added to the mix.

7 Jupiter: Your Relationship's Belief in Itself

Forever On

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Faith comes naturally to you in that you are both basically aware that there is a rhyme and a reason to your being together, even though you might not be able to say exactly what that rhyme and reason actually is. But whatever your individual personal beliefs might be, you believe in something about your relationship that goes beyond what is intellectually definable.

As you have this innate faith that you are both going somewhere - even or particularly because you don't know exactly where - life in turn encourages you to travel on, and sometimes even grants you a prophetic glimpse around the bend in the road. This glimpse might simply be the awareness that the road leads forever on, and that in some shape or form, so will your relationship.


Faith is Space

Jupiter in the 7th House

Your relationship likes to have plenty of room to breathe and explore, to have expansive and philosophical qualities about it. As an expression of this you both probably travel around together quite a lot, or are happy travelling apart at times - or need to be.

This is because, although generally speaking your relationship has an open and generous nature, if that space for each other to do their own thing - or find what that is - is not allowed, then this can be the very issue the relationship can founder upon.

Conversely, if one of you comes to expect rather too much of the other - and then that other will be forced to break loose from those expectations in a way that challenges your faith in relationships altogether.

The truth is that you hope to find generosity and breadth of mind in one another, for it is this that truly maintains a belief in your relationship. But if either of you has doubts about this and gives too little, or takes it for granted and expects too much, then faith and compatibility wane.

Your Jupiter Aspects

Challenged to Grow

Jupiter Squares Sun

Any negative traits regarding the nature of your beliefs, enthusiasms, cultural attitudes, or want of faith, as described here, can get in the way of your relationship progressing or developing as it needs to. This can show as one of you wanting to spread their wings while the other does not. In effect though, this is really your relationship making you more aware of what your scope and opportunities are as individuals, and how you can each either encourage or frustrate each other in this respect.

Harmonious Beliefs

Jupiter Trines Venus

Fortunately, the quality of your respective beliefs and ethics is appealing to each other. This is a fair asset for it means that something about you as a couple bears the promise of happiness and health and better things to come. This is a broad and beautiful streak in your relationship.

Faith in the Unorthodox

'Close One'

Jupiter Conjuncts Uranus

As if to counter the possibility of your becoming too sure or even smug about your relationship, you are occasionally and unexpectedly stormed by someone or something that upsets your idea or model of what you believe your relationship is about. Effectively whatever this 'storm' is forces you to rethink whether, or in what way, you believe in yourselves as a couple.

This is more than likely going to alter the very way in which each of you regard relationships generally, and not just your own in particular. Ultimately it will be realized that your belief in your relationship rests upon how much space you allow each other to follow their own path of development and self-discovery. An unconventional set-up works where a conventional one does not.

8 Saturn: Commitment & Staying Power within your Relationship

Durability through Intimacy

Saturn in Scorpio

Your involvement demands that you learn to handle with integrity the effects of intimacy or shared possessions upon yourselves and each other. With respect to intimacy, initially or at some later point, the need to learn such lessons may manifest as probably just one of you - although it could be in both of you - showing a reluctance to being too deeply committed emotionally. This would be a sign that they are feeling disempowered or threatened in some way as their more private and sensitive emotional interior feels itself becoming exposed. And such could also pose a dismissal of the significance of psychology and the unconscious mind, for such things could threaten feelings of control.

What has to be understood here is that if you actually wish to have a genuinely intimate relationship, then there has to be a 'death' of those old fears and inhibitions around being got close to. The reason why they are there is probably down to a feeling that your inferior position as a child was taken advantage of by those who had power over you - parents, teachers and the like. So rejecting the significance of psychology would amount to cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.

Regarding the sharing of resources, this begins to feel destabilizing or disempowering, and the reasons behind it are pretty much the same. This is because money and emotions, especially sexually generated ones, are the two most common expressions of power - and where there is power in play there is often a fear that it is going to be abused. So learning to trust has to be added to the list!

The mean alternative to not learning these lessons is that your relationship can descend into power games, with one or both of you using whatever they have over the other as a bargaining chip or merely as a feeling of power in the face of feeling disempowered in the ways already mentioned.

Learn these admittedly difficult lessons and you stand to become a truly united couple.


Work in Progress

Saturn in the 6th House

These lessons and tests, and the commitment that they can earn, are most likely to manifest by way of your working diligently at them together - simply because the work ethic is something that arises out of your being together. In fact, or alternatively, you might actually work together, or have met at your place of work. However, all this can make life together a bit of a drudge, and the health of the relationship - or even of one or both of you - could suffer as a result. One could say that either of you is a slave-driver or slave-driven. The real necessity here is that of you jointly establishing what you are really working towards and for, whose duties are whose, as well as devising a healthy life-style. First and foremost a lighter and less earnest attitude of mind on one or both of your parts is required; otherwise this could be a relationship that just becomes too much like hard work.

Your Saturn Aspects

The Favor of Authority

'Close One'

Saturn Trines Sun

Because at least one of you has a natural and increasingly conscious sense of discipline, you work through all these issues assiduously, and at a steady pace. Circumstances also seem to confer stability, possibly from people in authority. As long as neither of you is compromised or offended by having to play by their rules, then a firm and established path is set out before you both.

Tough Tests

Saturn Conjuncts Pluto

There is a definite weight and inevitability about all these lessons and tests that try the building of your commitment to one another. It is as if the oppressive figures or situations that you both encounter are heavier than average. But when you pass such a test or overcome a formidable obstacle you become far more powerful and authoritative as a couple.

This certainly takes some doing, but then these pressures or adversaries are exactly equal to your own grit and determination to become a solid union. However, the unkind alternative to this can be very divisive when the struggle becomes against each other rather than with what should be seen to be a common enemy.

9 Uranus: Freedom and Awakening within your Relationship

A Different Morality

Uranus in Sagittarius

Your relationship may invite or force you to reconsider or even challenge moral, legal, cultural or educational attitudes that prevail in the environment in which you live. As an individual couple you could either be on the receiving end, in that you fall foul of and possibly rebel against these aspects of life as you both encounter them, or (and possibly as a consequence of this) you seek to force changes in one or more of these areas.


An Exciting but Unstable Relationship

Uranus in the 7th House

Consciously or unconsciously, you are or were attracted to one another because you want to be kept alive to the fact that you are both individual beings with individual desires for more than just what a conventional and predictable partnership would have one settle for.

Ideally it is a non-possessive, open and liberated sense of relationship that you are after, but human nature - at least as we currently perceive it - is more usually in need of some sense of fidelity bordering on ownership for a relationship to be secure and work in a practical sense.

For this reason your coming together can easily be blown apart because that is how this relationship reacts to being forced to fit into a traditional format.

If you have passionately shared interests and ideals, often of an unusual or alternative kind, this can help to keep your relationship alive because it 'marries' your minds together in the name of something greater than the two of you.

Short of this though, your relationship is mostly there to wake you both up how much freedom and relationship can co-exist for each of you individually - or not, as the case may be.

In any event, as a kind of foretaste of what is to come, your relationship should certainly kick-off in an exciting and unexpected way, with such unpredictability and unusual arrangements persisting for as long it lasts!

Your Uranus Aspects

Individuality over Relationship

Uranus Squares Sun

Being with one another forces you to realize that at no cost do either of you want to be deprived of your ego's right to dance in its own light. In other words, relationship commitments and social conventions are all very well, but in the end you see yourselves increasingly as your own rule-makers and rule-breakers.

Such self-interest or even anarchy flies in the face of maintaining a stable bond in the usual sense of the word, as some degree of accountability and predictability is called for.

But unless you are both involved quite closely in some operation or movement that is actually intent on changing in some way the status quo itself, the fate of your relationship is quite likely to be divisive. In any event, you would need to have a quite unique and very open-ended set-up for it to work.

Quite simply, in essence your relationship is more about waking up to who you each are as individuals rather than growing old and grey together - that is unless you are extremely unusual individuals.

Unusual Lifestyle

Uranus Trines Venus

Because the combination of your personalities is genuinely attracted by the call to freedom, innovation and experimentation where interpersonal relationships are concerned, you automatically attract others who are drawn to these social dimensions and practices as well. Consequently your lifestyle as a couple is likely to be or become unusual and stimulating, unconventional and probably artistic too.

An Enormous Need for Space

'Close One'

Uranus Conjuncts Jupiter

In addition, it becomes evident that in order for your relationship to develop and grow - and not feel confining or restrictive - that your sense of freedom and awakening has to have some kind of philosophy behind it. This means that the old rule book about relationship and marriage has to be rewritten by you both. So compiling your own unique set of vows would be a good, if not essential, idea.

At base your being together demands an enormous amount of space being granted to one another. The more you can devise a framework or understanding in which this can happen, then the less likely it'll be that space will be imposed upon you in the form of permanent or semi-permanent separation.

10 Neptune: Sensitivity and Spirituality within your Relationship

A Need for a Sense of the Divine

Neptune in Sagittarius

It is possible - mainly owing to the socio-cultural environment in which your relationship exists - that confusion is experienced with regard to what is morally right or wrong. The underlying reason for this is a want of distinction between the Law of Man and the Law of God.

In other words, as a couple you need to discover or devise a more spiritual and less material, yet at the same time practical, means of managing your personal morals and appetites, and thereby resolving the difficulties in which they can find you. A real sense of the divine can then begin to emerge to help you transcend what were seemingly impossible dilemmas.


Unconditional Closeness or No Closeness at All

Neptune in the 8th House

Your joint resources are likely to either give rise to confusion or relief. This means that what each of you are putting into the 'pot' best not be seen as having to be exactly the same. Just so long as you make ends meet is what matters, as does recognizing that what you both contribute, be it material or intangible, will work out equal in the end.

If however one of you feels that they are giving too much or too little this can lead to a spiraling downward into an 'unequal relationship', something which is meaningless in spiritual or selfless terms. Through being true to this more accepting approach you find that resources seem to mysteriously materialize out of somewhere just when needed.

Another area of confusion or inspiration is the sharing on an intimate level. Ideally you both need to share your most secret and vulnerable hopes and fears with respect to sexuality, without any fear of judgment from the each other. This will prove uplifting and make you far closer. On the other hand, leaving obscure and sensitive feelings to fester will only serve to create an invisible barrier of frustration or aversion between the two of you.

Your Neptune Aspects

Illusory or Unconditional Love

'Close One'

Neptune Squares Venus

Your relationship readily finds a means of giving form to your finer feelings and more sophisticated ideas. Together you seek the sublime or the glamorous in the world of art or society. You certainly have all the appearances of being an enchanting, even ideal, couple - but how much of this is illusion or not is down to how much you realize that the sublime leads you forever on, while the glamorous seductively leads you round in circles.

Pushing the River

'Close One'

Neptune Squares Mars

Unfortunately there is an impulsive urge in one or both of you to attain some ideal or high more quickly than such can be, if at all. And so this can lead to disappointments that are out of proportion to the reality in hand because they have more to do with desires being at odds with spiritual and emotional considerations.

This is rather like trying to push a river. Unless this is realized and accepted then frustration can be a feature of your relationship, with scenes and hissy fits being the energy-sapping result. Quite simply 'flow with it' has to take precedence over 'go for it'.

Neo-Spiritual Culture

'Close One'

Neptune Sextiles Pluto

Such is the state of our cultural environment, issues concerning sensitivity and spiritually can now be addressed through seeking out the practitioners, groups or literature that are now widely available.

11 Pluto: Influence and Transformation within your Relationship

A New Social Rule-Book

Pluto in Libra

To a lesser or greater degree your relationship is an expression of the socio-cultural atmosphere in which it takes place, which is one which sprung from a time when revolutionary changes began to take place with regard to marriage and social values. A typical example of this is an increase in the number of children belonging to a single parent family, along with the repercussions and complex adult-child set-ups this gives rise to.

Consequently, and through no direct fault of either of you, great uncertainty exists as to what social justice and the social norm are. Essentially, as a couple you are having to help re-write the social rule-book, which unavoidably means being without, or refusing to observe, the old rule book.


Working at a Healthy Relationship

Pluto in the 6th House

You both have to work quite hard at making your relationship stay afloat; or more simply yours is a working relationship as well as, or maybe in place of, an intimate one. It could well be a case of both. This can also mean that one or both of you could obsess over the relationship working, or over work itself as a way of not having to look at what needs regenerating in the relationship. But in truth it is the state of your relationship that is determining how hard you have to work to keep body and soul together. In other words, the healthier your relationship is in terms of there being good communication and shared values and agreed responsibilities, then the more likely it is that your working life or lives are going to thrive.

In many respects your relationship is like a house that needs tidying up frequently and regularly. Living in tidy or untidy conditions would be a direct sign of the score here. Although spending all the hours of the day tidying up your abode would be entirely missing the point. It is only working at your relationship itself that will make it a healthy one.

Your Pluto Aspects

Regeneration on Tap

Pluto Trines Sun

As a couple you are more than potentially able to reap and express the most positive qualities described in your Pluto Profile and your Relationship Profile as a whole. Something about your being together attracts help or guidance from high places or deep levels, which simply means people or agencies that have the power and ability to assist and guide you.

At times you should feel that the hand of fate itself is directing you both. If that is how you feel - then it is. But if this kind of thing isn't occurring at all, then it is because you haven't noticed it or are not seeing or appreciating what is being offered.

Hide and Seek

Pluto Squares Moon

Your personal power and influence as a couple, which essentially means your sense of feeling that you are an authentic duo, is checked and complicated by your respective fears of being got close to by another human being. This can amount to a serious game of hide and seek as one part of each of you seeks to reveal the inner emotional truth of themselves and the other, while simultaneously another part lives in fear of that very thing happening.

Sooner or later, you are called upon to confront and free these rich dark feelings once and for all, but you have the free will to resist this for as long as that fear of intimacy reigns - which amounts to one or both of you never being found, to always feeling alone.

Transformation or Destruction

Pluto Conjuncts Saturn

In your life together, transformation becomes a necessity, and so does the correct use of power and influence - be it of a financial, psychological or sexual kind. And this means that you must both actually employ the power that you have and not attempt to ignore it and the responsibility that it engenders.

Your duty and lesson is to make a reality of the maxim that power is as good or as bad as the way that it is wielded. And wield it well each of you must, or the darker and more destructive and domineering aspect would descend upon you both.

The Power of Compassion

'Close One'

Pluto Sextiles Neptune

Fortunately, any of the more difficult and intense pressures that can burden your relationship with may be alleviated by consciously exercising compassion towards one another. This is further helped by the culture you both now live in being alive to the presence of these difficulties, should there be any, and what steps can be taken to sort them out.

Megan's Planetary Positions

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W


North Node











House Cusp Positions











  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Harry's Planetary Positions

September, 15th 1984 Local Time 4:20 PM Universal Time 3:20 PM

London, UK 51°30'N, 0°08'W


North Node











House Cusp Positions











  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node